2024 Nelson Championship results

Nelson Championship Report 2024

The Kaituna crew headed down on Friday to set up the Westport range for the annual Nelson championship fixture, just as it did last year, the weather deteriorated as we headed down and we got a few showers while we got the range ready and dressed for commencement on Saturday. Thanks to Alan and Andre for their help. We were met at the range by Stuart and Bernard and caught up with local goings on and we thanked them for preparing the mounds and range floor for us. Friday evening the skies started to clear and things we’re looking good for a fine weekend.

Saturday greeted us fine and clear albeit a little cool. With a large contingent of the regular TR shooters away in South Africa, the word went out that we still intended to run the Champs and were pleased to see 17 shooters turn up for the weekend’s fun, though a bit down on what we had hoped for with a few late scratchings. We ran with the same format as last year with a double three to start in light but somewhat tricky conditions. We then moved back to 500 where the cool left / frontal breeze kicked in and finished the day at 600. Close competition was the order of the day and we hoped for similar conditions the following day.

Sunday morning yet again dawned a fine day with a cool breeze there to meet us and we kicked off at 600 yards. A double 700 followed and the game tightened up in A grade and in the 303 competitions with the F Class leaders cementing their places.

In TR, Helen Freiman won the Open and secured the Nelson Belt for the first time beating off Richard by 1 centre. B and C grades were not competed for.

F Open was closely contested with Les, Murray and Magic Mike smashing out some great scores. Magic Mike Chui emerged victorious going clean at the last 3 ranges only 3 points down over 7 ranges. John Pearce took out FTR for the second year running. Charlie Ledbrook kept racking up the points and whilst Chris Burgess held the lead by 1 point at the end of day one, Charlie applied the pressure and cleaned up FTR Classic. Richard Sampey shot some of his best scores to date and took out FPR.

The 303 class was boosted by Alan and Barry as well as Jonno and Andre and the four spent the weekend battling it out, Unfortunately Barry had some rifle issues and was unable to complete the course of fire. Alan, using a borrowed rifle, settled into the game pretty quickly and Jonno and Andre had to smarten their act up! Some competitive score were posted and some not so and Andre reigned supreme with a lot of fun had by us all.

A huge thanks to all those who helped make the weekend a success especially Chris who toiled away making sure the E targets behaved themselves. Our treasurer, CRO and RO and last but not least Stuart, Bernard and their team from the Westport range for organising the range prep and access for us. Without you we could not host this competition.

Also, a big thanks to Charlie Ledbrook for donating trophies for all the F class events after many years of not having a full compliment. Charlie has worked tirelessly organising and backdating the winner’s details. Charlie, your efforts and generosity are hugely appreciated by us all.

Thanks to all who attended, and we look for to seeing you all and some new faces there again next year.


Full results here

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