Hall of Fame

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Notable performances with .303 rifle
Notable performances with 7.62 rifle (New Target dimensions)
Notable performances with 7.62 rifle (Reduced 300 yard target dimensions)
Notable performances with 7.62 rifle (155gr. projectiles)
Notable performances with 7.62 rifle (155gr. projectiles, New Target dimensions)
Notable performances 300 metres section


Notable performances with .303 rifle

1914 & 1929,1936,1939 & 1948 Major W.N. Masefield, N.Z. Kings Prize.
1919 W. Loveday, NZ Army Team, England, Kings Prize, Bisley.
1949 W. Oakley, Malvern Rifle Club, NSW, Kings Prize, Anzac Range.
1951 R. Barrow, Cheltenham Rifle Club, Manchester Belt, 300, 500, 600 yards - 105.
1956 R.A. Wilton, Masterton/Opaki Rifle Club, Hawke's Bay Champion 300, 500, 600 yards - 105. (Coach: H.V. Donald.)
R.B. Wood, NZ Rifle Team, Australia, 300, 600, 700, 900 yards - 196 - Australian Record. (Coach: Major W.N. Masefield).
1957 N.C. Peterson, Levin Rifle Club, Commonwealth Postal Teams 300, 500, 600 yards - 150. (Coach: S.L. Lumsden.)
1960  D.J. Caughley. Cheltenham Rifle Range, 300, 500, 600 yards - 105.
Major R.F. Wakefield, NZ Rifle Team, Dominion of Canada Championship. Governor Prize.
1964 D.J. Caughley, British Commonwealth Postal Teams Match, Masterton/Opaki Rifle Range, 300, 500, 600 yards - 150. (Coach: J.W. Curtin.)
1965 T.N. Sutherland, NZ Rifle Team vs Australia. C.A.C. Trophy, Trentham, NZ, 900 yds, 49; 1000 yards - 49. (Coach: J.W. Curtin.)
D.W.G. Collings, Karori Rifle Club, Bert Dixon Memorial Teams 300, 500, 600 yards - 105. (Coach : T.S. Pritchard.)
T.N. Sutherland. Masterton/Opaki Rifle Club., Inter-club Teams Match, Dannevirke, 300, 500, 600 yards -105. (Coach : J.W. Curtin.)
N.E. Solomon, Petone Rifle Club, Inter-club Trentham Range, 800, 900 yards - 149.
1966 T.N. Sutherland, NZ Commonwealth Games Team, Kingston, Jamaica - 3rd Bronze Medal.
M.H. Judkins, Auckland City Rifle Club., Champion Teams Match, N.R.A. Champs, Trentham 300, 500, 600 yards - 105. (Coach: W.T. Norris.)
E.C. Judson, Christchurch Rifle Club, Wairau Valley Championship, 300, 500, 600 yards - 105.
1968 F.J. Eustace, Hawera Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards - 150, Rewa Rewa Range, New Plymouth.
V.A. Curtis. West Melton Rifle Range, 300, 500, 600 yards - 150.
Major R.F. Wakefield, Karori RifleClub, Inter-Association Teams Match Dannevirke, 300, 500, 600 yards - 150. (Coach: R.H. Whiteman.)
R.J. Cammock, Waipukurau Rifle Club, Hawke's Bay Champion Teams, 300, 500, 600 yards - 105. (Coach: M.C.E. Cammock.)
1969 R.A.F. Martin. Karori Rifle Club N.R.A. Champion Teams, Trentham, 300, 500, 600 yards - 105. (Coach: R.F. Wakefield.)
H.R. Cooper, Napier City Rifle Club, N.R.A. Champion Teams, Trentham, 300, 500, 600 yards - 105. (Coach: R.F. Shepherd.)
C.H. Burt, Cheltenham Rifle Club, Manchester Belt 300, 500, 600 yards - 105.
1967 J.W. Johnson, NZ Rifle Team, Dominion of Canada Championship, Governor-General's Prize (converted No. 4 Lee Enfield).
1971 C. Thom, Christchurch Rifle Club, Tai Tapu Championship, 300 yards - 50.10.
1973 Mrs M. McCarthy, Akarana Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards - 150.19, Roys Hill, Hastings.
B.J. Price, Upper Hutt Rifle Club., Ballinger Belt Series - 495.46. N.R.A., Trentham.
1974 M.G. Gordon, Okawa Rifle Club, winner of Gold Medal, Commonwealth Games, West Melton, Christchurch.
R.J. Cammock, Waipukurau Rifle Club, Wellington Spring Meeting. 500, 600, 800, 900 yards - 199.21, Trentham.
T.O. King, Napier City Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 150 (Bisley Targets, Coach J.H. Foster), Gold Medal for highest score in the Commonwealth Postal Match, Roys Hill, Hastings.
1975 A.A. Marshall, Malvern Rifle Club, 200, 300, 500 and 600 yards - 200.19. Canterbury Championships, West Melton.
1976 M.G. Gordon, Okawa Rifle Club, winner of the St George Aggregate at Bisley, England 
1977 K.W. Connor, Auckland City Rifle Club, 500 yards - 50.10 - Ardmore
1978 A.W. Birch, Hamilton Whatawhata Rifle Club, 500 yards 50.10, Closing Day, Otorohanga

Notable performances with 7.62 rifle (new target dimensions)

1978 I.G. Benton, New Plymouth Rifle Club., 300, 500. 600, 800 and 900 yards - 175.16 - Rewa Rewa Range, 7-shot Championship.
1979 M.G. Gordon, Okawa Rifle Club., 300, 500, 600, 800 and 900 yards - 250.28 - Roy's Hill Range, Hastings.
1980 K.W. Connor, Auckland City Rifle Club., 300, 500, 600, 800 and 900 yards - 249.33, Whatawhata Range.
P. Barnard, Clevedon Rifle Club, N.R.A. Champion Teams Match 300, 500, 600 yards - 105.19 - Trentham. (Coach: S.M. Bower.)
S.R. Cromwell, Auckland Championships 900 yards - 50.9, Ardmore.
L.J. Arthur, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards, N.Z. Postal Match - 150.26. (Coach: R.H. Whiteman.) Trentham.
1982 R.G. Gurney, Northland Rifle Association Championships 300, 500, 600, 800, 900 yards - 249.31 -Kauri Mountain Range.
1983 C.H. Burt, Ashhurst Rifle Club - Donald Grand Aggregate of the Annual Championship and Queen's Prize Meeting - 695.83, Trentham.
T.O. King, Napier City Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 299.35, East Coast Championships, Sponge Bay, Gisborne.
1984 P.M. Newman, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, N.R.A. Champion Teams Match - 105.18. (Coach: R.H. Whiteman.) Trentham.
1985 C.H. Burt, Ashhurst Rifle Club, Short Range Aggregate N.R.A. Championship - 299.46 - Trentham.
C.H. Burt, Ashhurst Rifle Club, Ballinger Belt Series - 494.71 - Trentham.
C.H. Burt, Ashhurst Rifle Club (600 yards) Ballinger Belt Series - 50.10 - Trentham.
1986 L.G. Dragovich, Rotorua Rifle Club Masefield Aggregate 800, 900, 300, 500, 600 yards - 205.23 Trentham.

Notable performances with 7.62 rifle (reduced 300 yard target dimensions)

1987 P.M. Newman, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, Hawke's Bay Rifle Association Championships 300, 500 & 600 yards coached Teams - 105.19. (Coach: S.R. Congdon.) Roys Hill Range, Hastings.
1988 J.F. Dodson, Kaituna/Blenheim Rifle Club. Winner Australian Bi-Centenary Rifle Championship, Anzac Rifle Range, Malabar, Sydney. Score 472.40 out of possible 475.95.
L.G. Dragovich, Rotorua Rifle Club: Billy Betts Cup Inter-Ass. Team Shoot. 50.10 at 900 yards. (Coach: D. Farnum.) Otorohanga Range.
J. Hastie, Okawa Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600, 800 and 900 yards - 250.33 - Okawa Club Championships, Roys Hill Range, Hastings.
1989 R.R. Chilcott, Clevedon Rifle Club, 500 and 600 yards - 100.17 - short range aggregate Bay of Plenty Championships, Rotorua.
1990 R.R. Chilcott, Clevedon Rifle Club, Auckland Rifle Association Championship, 300, 500, 600, 800, 900 yards - 250.30, Mangatawhiri Range.
1992 Mrs G. Simon, Clevedon Rifle Club, Jim Ross Memorial Teams Match, 1000 yards 35.7 (Coach: Mrs M. McCarthy, NZ Ladies Rifle Team), Trentham.
T.F. Oliver, Onslow Rifle Club, NZ Postal Match, 300, 500, 600 yards, 150.24 (Coach: J. Mandahl), Trentham.
J.E. Mandahl, Onslow Rifle Club, New Zealand Team, 300, 500, 600 yards 105.18 (Coach: S.R. Congdon), Trentham.
1993 P.M. Newman, Petone Rifle Club, North Island Team, 600 yards, 50.10 (Coach: K.T. Meade), Trentham.
R.G. Mayston, Rotorua Rifle Club, South Island Championships, double 600 yards, 100.17, West Melton.
1994 G.R.H. Smith, Malvern Rifle Club, Winner of Silver Medal, Commonwealth games, Victoria, Canada, Score 398 ex 405
P.M. Newman, Petone Rifle Club, 600 yards 50.10, (Coach D.E. Crow), Birch Cup Teams Match, Levin Rifle Range.
L.G. Dragovitch, Otorohanga Rifle Club, 800, 900, 1000 yards 150.14, Otorohanga Rifle Club Championships, Otorohanga.
1995 J.K. Williams, Cheltenham Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 105.17, Masefield Sshort Range Aggregate, Trentham.
R.M. Geange, Hamilton Whatawhata Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 105.18, (Coach G.P. Newman), Champion Teams Match, Trentham.
A.A.M. Loughnan, Napier City Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600, 900, 1000 yards 249.32, South Auckland Rifle Assn. Champs, Otorohanga.
J.K. Williams, Cheltenham Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 150.23, Hawkes Bay Rifle Ass. Short Range Aggregate, Roys Hill, Hastings.
J.K. Williams, Cheltenham Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600, 800, 900 yards 249.35, Hawkes Bay Rifle Ass. Championship, Roys Hill, Hastings.
R.R. Chilcott, Clevedon Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 105.18, (Coach S.M. Bower), Hawkes Bay Rifle Ass. Champion Teams Match, Roys Hill, Hastings.

Notable performances with 7.62 rifle (155gr. projectiles)

1996 G.R. Ballinger, Levin Rifle Club, Ballinger Belt 499.79, Queens Aggregate, 574.91, Grand Aggregate 702.100, Nat. Champs, Trentham.
R.R. Chilcott, Clevedon Rifle Club, Queens Aggregate 573.72, Trentham.
F.W. Godfrey, Te Puke Rifle Club, Queens Aggregate 572.79, Grand Aggregate 701.93, Trentham.
M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, Grand Aggregate 700.94, Trentham.
G.R. Ballinger, Levin Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 150.27, (Coach T. Turbill), NZ Postal Teams Match, Levin.
G.R. Ballinger, Levin Rifle Club, 900 yards 150.28, Levin Bonanza, Levin.
1997 R.M. Geange, Masterton Rifle Club, Ballinger Belt 499.73, Queens Aggregate 574.84, Grand Aggregate 703.98, Nat. Champs, Trentham.
G.R. Ballinger, Levin Rifle Club, Ballinger Belt 499.66, Queens Aggregate573.77, National Championships, Trentham.
R.J. Morgan, Clevedon Rifle Club, Queens Aggregate 573.78, Trentham.
A.A.M. Loughnan, Okawa Rifle Club, Queens Aggrgate573.75, Trentham.
F.W. Godfrey, Te Puke Rifle Club, Grand Aggregate 701.94, Trentham.
R.S. Fincham, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, 300 yards Armada Cup 100.17, Short Range Aggregate National Championships 300.50, Trentham.
R.J. Morgan, Clevedon Rifle Club, 300 yards Armada Cup 100.17, Short Range Aggregate National Championships 300.48, Trentham.
G.R. Ballinger, Levin Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 150.27, (Coach T. Turbill, NZ Postal Teams Match, Levin.
E.F. Graham, Levin Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600, 800, 900 yards 250.42, Club Championships, Levin.
G.R. Ballinger, Levin Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600, 800, 900 yards 250.41, Club Championships, Levin.
E.F. Graham, Levin Rifle Club, 500, 600 yards 150.27, Cheltenham.
1998 M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, 300 yards Armada Cup 100.18, Trentham.
R.S. Fincham, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600, 300, 600 yards 300.45, Taranaki Championships, Okato.  
R.S. Fincham, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600, yards 150.28, Hawkes Bay Short Range Aggregate, Roys Hill, Hastings.
K.J. Valpy, Malvern Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 150.29 (Coach G.R.H Smith), Oaks Shield, Malvern.
S.F. Regan, Cheltenham Rifle Club, Winner of Grand Aggregate South African Championships, Bloemfontein.
A.S. Hatcher, Cheltenham Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600, 900, 1000 yards ex 405, Shooting Academy Trials, Otorohanga.
P.M. Newman, Onslow Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600, 900, 1000 yards 404 ex 405, Commonwealth Games Trials, Otorohanga.
1999 R.S. Fincham, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, 300 yards Armada Cup 100.18, Trentham.
S.K. Petterson, Clevedon Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 105.20 (Coach S.M. Bower), Champion Teams Match, Trentham.
J.R. Whiteman, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 105.20 (Coach G.P. Newman), Champion Teams Match, Trentham.
2000 J.R. Whiteman, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, Ballinger Belt 500.75, Queens Aggregate 575.88, Shorts Aggregate 300.47, Nat. Champs, Trentham
W. O'More, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, Shorts Aggregate 300.47, National Championships, Trentham
J.R. Whiteman, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 105.20 (Coach G.P. Newman) Champion Teams Match, Trentham
J. Legarth, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600 yards 150.28 (Coach G.P. Newman) Union Shield Interclub Teams Match, Trentham
A.A. Loughnan, Okawa Rifle Club, Marlborough Championships, 300 yards 100.17, Shorts Aggregate 300.47, Championship 498.75, Kaituna
2001 M. Maxberry, Karori Rifle Club, Quadrangular Teams Match 300, 500, 600 yards, 150.28, Kaituna Coach G.P. Newman, Upper Hutt
E.F. Graham, Cheltenham Rifle Club, Horowhenua Championships, 500, 600 yards 100.19, 500, 600, 800, 900 yards 200.36, 500, 600, 800, 900, 900 yards 250.43, Levin
W. O'More, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, Horowhenua Championships, 500, 600, 800, 900, 900 yards 250.43 Levin
K. Valpy, Malvern Rifle Club, Nelson Championships, 20@300, 10@500, 25@600, 10@700 (on 600 yard target, 375.53, Westport
M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, Marlborough Championships, 499.73, Kaituna
2002 T. Oliver, Onslow Rifle Club, Belt Aggregate 499.67, Grand Aggregate 703.96, Queens aggregate 574.77, Trentham
D.E. Crow, Cheltenham Rifle Club, Belt Aggregate 499.65, Queens Aggregate 574.76, Trentham
R.S. Fincham, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, Belt Aggregate 498.73, GrandAggregate 701.98, Queens aggregate 573.85, Shorts Aggregate 300.44, Trentham
R.M. Geange, Masterton Rifle Club, Coached Teams Match 105.19, Coach J.N. McLaren, Trentham
A.S. Hatcher, Cheltenham Rifle Club, Postal Teams Match 150.29, Coach D.E. Crow, Cheltenham
M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, Winner of Darwin Queens Prize, 398.31, Darwin, Australia
D.R. Collings, Te Puke Rifle club, Winner of Commonwealth Games Bronze medal, 402.54, Bisley, England
J.F. Snowden, Ashburton Rifle Club, 2x300yards 100.17, Marlborough Championships, Kaituna
2003 J.R. Whiteman, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, 105.20, 2nd stage Masefield Aggregate

Notable performances with 7.62 rifle (155gr. projectiles, New Target dimensions)

2004 J. Miller, Ashburton Rifle Club, Nelson Championship, Westport, 375.49
M. Dodson, Kaituna Blenheim Rifle Club, Nelson Championship, Westport, 375.44
P. Newman, Christchurch Rifle Club, Nelson Championship, Westport, 375.44
2005 M. Maxberry, Karori Rifle Club, 275.37 ex 275.55 at Taranaki Championship
M. Maxberry, Karori Rifle Club, 150.27 ex 150.30 at South Auckland Championships, Otorohanga Rifle Range.
B. Carter, Te Puke Rifle Club, 100.19 ex 100.20 at Hawke's Bay Championship, Trentham
B. Carter, Te Puke Rifle Club, Won Victoria Queens title on countback with a score of 399.47, but after shoot-off came second.
D.R. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, Winner Grand Aggregate at Victoria Queens with a score of 695.70
2007 M. Maxberry, Karori Rifle Club, South Auckland Championship, 300, 500 and 600yds 150.24, Otorohanga Rifle Range.
M. Maxberry, Karori Rifle Club, Marlborough Autumn Championship, 10 shots at 300 and 600 yds and 15 shots at 900 yards, 175.26 Kaituna Rifle Range.
M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, 2nd in World Long Range Individual Championships, Connaught Ranges, Ottawa.
M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, winner Duncan Aggregate, Queensland Queens, Brisbane.
M. Maxberry, Karori Rifle Club, 800 & 900yds, 100.19, Hawkes Bay Championships, Trentham.
R. Fincham, Petone Rifle Club, 300, 500 & 600yds, 150.25 Southern Hawkes Bay Championship, Cheltenham.
2008 M. Maxberry, Karori Rifle Club, 300, 500, 600, 800 & 900yds 250.40 Hawkes Bay Championship, Trentham.
2009 M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, Winner Victorian Queens, 399.50, and Aggregate, 698.80, Bendigo
M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, Winner North Queensland Queens, 400.55, and Grand Aggregate, 599.81 Mckay.
M. Maxberry, Karori Rifle Club, 300, 500 & 600yds plus 7 shot final at 600yds 185.30, Southern Hawkes Bay Championships, Cheltenham.
D.R. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, Winner of North Queensland Stevens Griffiths Aggregate, 200.32, Mckay.
D.R. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, Second in Queensland Queens, 500.55, Belmont.
2010 J.F. Snowden, Ashburton Rifle Club and M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, Winners of Pairs Gold Medal, Commonwealth Shooting Federation Championships, Kadarpur, Delhi.
M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club and J.F. Snowden, Ashburton Rifle Club, Winners of Pairs Gold Medal, Commonwealth Games, Kadarpur, Delhi.
2012 R.M. Johansen, Gisborne Rifle Club, Winner Duncan Aggregate, Queensland Queens, Brisbane
R.M. Johansen, Gisborne Rifle Club, winner of Kiwitea Championship with a score of 150.27 over 300, 500 and 600 yards at Cheltenham Rifle Range.
L.J. Arthur, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, coached score of 150.26 over 300, 500 and 600 yards in Postal Teams Match, at Trentham Rifle Range.
M.J. Collings, Te Puke Rifle Club, Winner Lou Hook Aggregate, Northern Territory Queens, Darwin
2013 J.F. Snowden, Ashburton Rifle club, Winner Syme Aggregate and Grand Aggregate, Victorian Queens, Bendigo

Notable performances 300 metres section

1993 P. Barnard, Clevedon Rifle Club, North Island Championship, Te Puke, 595.29
1995 G.R. Ballinger, Levin Rifle Club, Commonwealth Shooting Championship, New Delhi, 594
1998 R.S. Fincham, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, Otorohanga, 597.37
1999 L.J. Arthur, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, Otorohanga, 598.43
2011 L.J. Arthur, Upper Hutt Rifle Club, North Island Championship 597.33
2012 R.M. Johansen, Gisborne Rifle Club, Oceania's, 596.29, gold medal
2015 L.J. Arthur, Trentham Rifle Club, North Island Championship, Rotorua, 597.32
2017 P. Neal, Franklin Rifle Club, North Island Championship, Te Puke 600.33 F-Open





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